To set the way the program performs its search for a Connexion, click here. With this option checked, a large splash screen (with some info about the program) will be shown when the program starts and initialises. If you want only a small splash screen (without info), click here. With this option unchecked, a small splash screen (without info) will be shown when the program starts and initialises. If you want a large splash screen (with some info about the program), click here. To set the number of seconds to wait before the next Connexion is displayed during screensaver mode, click on the slider and drag it to the left or right. If you set it to only a few seconds, it might take a bit longer to find the next Connexion. With this option checked, the screensaver uses a black background. If you want the screensaver to have the same background color as a document, click here. With this option unchecked, the background color of the screensaver is the same as a document. If you want the screensaver to have a black background, click here. With this option checked, a Connexion with Actual and Future hexagrams will be shown during screensaver mode. The Actual and Future hexagrams are randomly thrown for each Connexion. If you want to see just a Connexion, click here. With this option unchecked, only a Connexion will be shown during screensaver mode. If you want to see the Actual and Future hexagrams too, click here. The Actual and Future hexagrams are randomly thrown for each Connexion. With this option checked, a normal Connexion is shown during screensaver mode. If you want to see only the hexagons and not the hexagrams, click here. With this option unchecked, the hexagrams in a Connexion are not shown during screensaver mode; only plain hexagons (like in menu 'Connexion'-'Verify'). If you want to see the hexagrams too, click here. With this option checked, the Mediator will be marked with a white inner border, in a Connexion labyrinth. If you want to hide the marking of the Mediator, click here. See menu 'Help'-'Interpretation'-'the Connexion' for info on the Mediator. With this option unchecked, the Mediator will not be marked, in a Connexion labyrinth. If you want to mark the Mediator with a white inner border, click here. See 'Help'-'Interpretation'-'the Connexion' for info on the Mediator. With this option checked, you will hear a clicking sound, when a coin in the 'Throw ...' dialogue box stops turning. If you want the coins to stop silently, click here. With this option unchecked, the coins in the 'Throw ...' dialogue box will stop silently. If you want to hear a clicking sound when a coin stops turning, click here. With this option checked, the Clock's window will stay in front of other windows of this program. Note that the I Ching Clock will be hidden, when you switch to another application. If you want the window to behave like any other, click here. With this option unchecked, the Clock's window behaves just like other windows. The I Ching clock will not be hidden, when you switch to another application. If you want the window to stay in front of other windows, click here. To set the blink rate of the controlling line in both the Clock's hexagrams, click here. With this option checked, a new Connexion document has its text box opened. That way, you can immediately start typing your remarks about the divination at hand. If you want a new Connexion document to have its text box closed, click here. With this option unchecked, a new Connexion document has its text box closed. (To open the text box, click the little triangle in the window's top-left corner.) If you want a new Connexion document to have its text box opened, click here. To set the action the program takes when you close the window of a document that has changed, click here. With this option checked, a new Connexion document will completely fill the main screen. If you want a new Connexion document to open just below and to the right of the active document (if any), click here. With this option unchecked, a new Connexion document opens just below and to the right of the active document (if any), or in the top-left corner of the main screen. If you want a new Connexion document to completely fill the main screen, click here. To set the action the program takes when it starts, click here. To set the options back to what they were when you entered this dialogue, click here. To set all the options to their factory settings, click here. To dismiss the dialogue box without accepting the new settings, click here. To accept the option settings shown, click here.